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VA Tech-related domain names blow in

时间:2007-04-22 09:08   作者:Dawn Kawamoto
In the past five days, hundreds of Virginia Tech-related domain names have been registered that appear to be suspect, security experts warn. And they further note that these potentially malicious sites have been registered at a quicker clip than tho

In the past five days, hundreds of Virginia Tech-related domain names have been registered that appear to be suspect, security experts warn.

And they further note that these potentially malicious sites have been registered at a quicker clip than those for Hurricane Katrina.

In sizing up the Virginia Tech domain names, which deal with the shooting massacre at the sprawling campus, security researcher SANS Institute noted: "Some of them are used for benevolent purposes. However, a good share of them are parked for auction and even used for fraudulent donations."

SANS, with the aid of outside security researchers, culled through approximately 551 Virginia Tech-related domain names and found only two belonging to a charity and 57 deemed as "innocent" sites. The majority of the VA Tech-related sites, 381, were found to be "parked," with another 42 sites up for sale and 35 as having "questionable" status. Six of the sites were characterized as "fraud."

A dark day for the nation is posed to become darker yet for some.



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